Case Management

Case management in healthcare is a collaborative and coordinated approach to providing comprehensive healthcare services to individuals, particularly those with complex or chronic medical conditions. The primary goal of healthcare case management is to ensure that patients receive appropriate and high-quality care while also managing healthcare costs effectively.

Healthcare case managers can be nurses, social workers, or other qualified professionals trained in this specialty. They work in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, primary care practices, home healthcare, and managed care organizations. Case management is particularly valuable for patients with complex healthcare needs, the elderly, those with multiple chronic conditions, and individuals transitioning between different levels of care.

By focusing on coordination and patient-centered care, healthcare case management aims to improve the quality of care, reduce hospital readmissions, control healthcare costs, and enhance the overall patient experience

The Case Management Process

Case management is a collaborative process in which a case manager works with clients to ensure they obtain the proper health care in the most cost-effective manner. This is what the process typically looks like:

1. Screening: The case manager reviews a client’s medical records, medical history, and current financial, living, and social support situation to understand client’s needs and current circumstances.

2. Assessment: The case manager conducts more in-depth research and meets with the client to assess their medical condition and circumstances. They might assess the client’s health insurance, support systems, and treatment response history.

3. Risk evaluation: In this stage, the case manager evaluates the client’s risk for particular ailments. Common factors that are evaluated include existing medical conditions, blood pressure, mental health, and finances.

4. Planning: The planning stage is when a case manager creates a plan of care for their client, which outlines their health objectives, self-care goals, health care options and services, care schedule, and any relevant resources.

5. Implementation: Once a plan has been devised, the case manager now helps the client implement it by guiding them in making sure they attend appointments and educating them about health care-related issues.

6. Follow-up: During the follow-up stage, the case manager sees how the client is progressing through their treatment plan by speaking with them, their health care providers, and their personal support network. If needed, the case manager might advise changing the treatment plan.

7. Evaluating outcomes: Finally, the case manager reviews the entire case and evaluates its outcomes, such as the client’s well-being, finances, and whether they received appropriate care.



OakMed East

1938 Woodslee Dr.
Troy, MI 48083
Phone: (248) 422-6600
Fax: (248) 619-7038

OakMed West

5075 Cascade Rd S.E. Suite R
Grand Rapids MI 49546
Phone: (616) 263-1550
Fax: (616) 693-6669

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